Statement of Acknowledgement

Creator, you made all people of every land in your image,
and entrusted them with the care of the earth.
It is our responsibility to give thanks and respect
to those who first occupied this land we are upon.
We give thanks to the Huron-Wendat,
Haudenosaunee, and Anishinabek Nations,
and the Mississauga of the Credit First Nation:
the first peoples of this land.
We offer our respect to those ancestors
who may be buried in this land.
We are also thankful for the gifts of the People of the land.
Creator let us be of Good Mind
to reconcile the mistreatment of this land
and those who have been displaced. 
We give thanks for Indigenous voices
in our Anglican Church of Canada.
Give us attentive ears to hear them,
and sincere and open hearts
that we may embrace the work of reconciliation
to which you call your Church.
With thankful and respectful hearts,
we pray in Your name,
Your Son the Peacemaker
and the Sacred Spirit. Amen.