Anyone, regardless of age, skin colour, ethnicity, faith background or sexual orientation, is welcome to be part of our worshipping community.

Our 8:30 and 10:30 services are in-person. All our staff and lay leaders are double-vaccinated.
It is not necessary to show proof of vaccination in order to attend one of these services.
We do adhere to:

Social Distancing
Wearing Masks
Name Registration (and Contact Information – if we don’t already have it).

Our 10:30 service is also available live online. Click on the SUNDAY WORSHIP link below anytime after 10:15.

Thursday Morning Eucharist and Bible Study is in-person beginning at 10:00 and finishing by noon. Adhering to the same Covid-19 protocols as for Sunday morning in-person attendance.

Friday Morning Centering Prayer and Meditation is online (use link below) beginning at 9:30 – ending at 10:30.

Our main worship time is on Sundays.

We gather to:

  • celebrate our lives in Christ together
  • offer thanks to God for life itself
  • hear the scriptures opened up
  • offer our concerns to God in prayer
  • find nourishment in the bread and wine of the Eucharist

Sunday 8:30 AM – Holy Eucharist

This service of Holy Eucharist is quiet and reflective.

The early hours of the morning give time and space for people who cherish simple prayer in a holy and beautiful space.

Words from the traditional Book of Common Prayer shape this worship service that does not include any hymns.

Those who gather at this time form a small and friendly community.

Prayers for healing are usually included on the third Sunday of the month.

Sunday 10:30 AM – Eucharistic Celebration

This Eucharistic celebration includes seniors, adults, young people, and children.

A children’s program is offered for the Kindergarten to grade 4 ages.

The language of this service is contemporary.

The music comes from diverse sources: traditional & contemporary hymns from around the world, chants, and rich liturgical music. The instrumentation includes piano, organ, guitar and djembe. Congregational singing is an important part of our worship.

Prayers for healing are usually included on the third Sunday of the month.

Sunday 4:00 PM – Jazz Vespers – Suspended until further notice

Once a month on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 PM some of Toronto’s best jazz musicians come for a lively service of music and reflection to lift the spirit. It lasts about an hour and is followed by our “Wine and Perrier” reception.

Usually on the 4th Sunday of each month from September to May. Please check our calendar for dates and details.

Our worship doesn’t begin and end on Sunday mornings though.

We worship at other times too …

Thursday 10:00 AM – Bible Study and Worship

A less formal weekly service where people gather around a table in the Parish Hall to find nourishment in the sacrament of Holy Communion. Bible Study follows for those who wish to stay.

Friday 9:30 AM – Centering Prayer Meditation

Spend an hour in silent prayer interspersed with prayerful walking, reflection, and scripture.

Other Special Celebrations

Anglicans follow the traditional Church calendar, which means we have special worship services to celebrate occasions over the course of the year. Here is a list of some of these services (check our calendar for dates):

  • Blue Christmas
  • Lessons & Carols for Christmas
  • Christmas Eve Children’s service
  • Christmas Eve Celebration
  • Christmas Day
  • Ash Wednesday
  • Holy Week services every day, including Maundy Thursday and Good Friday
  • Easter Sunrise Service
  • Thanksgiving Celebration
  • All Souls Commemoration of the Departed