St. Philip’s is a Christian faith community in the Anglican tradition where followers of Christ journey together in love, peace, acceptance and faith in the grace of God.
We live out the Gospel call of Christ through worship, prayer and by growing together in our faith journeys – asking meaningful questions, loving one another, and offering ourselves in service to the world in Jesus’ name.

St. Philip’s is a busy place
Come on in and explore. Find out what we do, how we worship and who we are. You may just find a new spiritual home with us.
We are an inclusive, multi-cultural community, welcoming people as they are. If you would like to find out more about St. Philip’s, contact us. Our staff would be happy to speak to you.
Modern History
St. Philip’s was founded around 1828, with its first wooden building opening in 1831. When the original structure burned down in 1891, it was replaced with the current brick building in 1893. To accommodate a growing congregation, an extension was added west of the bell tower in 1955.
The Church and cemetery were at the heart of the village of Weston until the centre of town was moved to the other side of the Humber River in the late 19th century due to regular flooding issues. The nearby churches of St. Matthias and St. John (recently closed) are both offshoots of the ministry that St. Philip’s has grown for almost 200 years.
Today, we continue to be a vibrant faith community, providing Christian ministry, worship and, with our beautiful Church and grounds, a place of tranquility in the middle of a busy part of Etobicoke.
Who we are
We are a diverse group of people coming from many parts of the world. Our believes are firmly rooted in the Anglican heritage and spirituality.
We open our doors to the LGBTQ2S community and welcome anyone who would like to join us!